Late October can be spooky AND exciting for 2025 planning.
October in the Lowcountry is usually pretty close to perfect. The warm days and cooler evenings make for a great combination. The building professionals at B. Chaney Improvements love this time of year because of the weather and meeting with people wanting to build in the new year. Now is the time to be writing down some important things you want in your custom home, major addition or renovation. In addition to the list, collect images — online or from publications — that accurately represent your thoughts. It’s much easier for Brad Chaney and his team to conceptualize your project with pictures and the list.
Click here to schedule a meeting in the next few weeks to discuss your 2025 “dream project.” You can also email the Charleston, SC office at or call 843.388.4334. The company has decades of experience building custom projects and doing home repair throughout the Charleston, SC area. That area includes Mt. Pleasant, Daniel Island, Awendaw, Isle of Palms, Sullivan’s Island, etc…
October and Halloween Trivia Facts
- The name October comes from the Latin “octō”, meaning “eight”, because in the Roman calendar October was the eight month of the year. January and February were added to the beginning of the year after the Julian calendar reform.
- According to folklore, if deer have a gray coat in October you should expect a hard winter.
The October holiday of Halloween comes from “All Hallows’ Eve” or the night before “All Hallows” day (All Saints Day). In old English, “hallow” means “to sanctify.”
- Pumpkins entered into the Halloween celebration after Irish immigrants came to America and found that pumpkins were easier to carve than potatoes for the holiday. Pumpkins are actually indigenous to the Western Hemisphere.
- Halloween came to America through migrants who added to a mix of Halloween traditions from Celtic, Catholic and Roman religious rituals.
- More than 600 million pounds of candy is purchased specifically for Halloween. Ninety million pounds of that candy is chocolate.
“He’s a very trustworthy guy. He had my best interest in mind the entire time he was working. I felt comfortable with the key to my home in his hands.” – Lisa, Mt. Pleasant
“I’m very, very, very pleased with the work. My bathroom has much more functionality and I just love it!” – Debbie, Mt. Pleasant