by B Chaney Improvements LL | Jan 19, 2021 | Home Builder, Uncategorized
If you’re dreaming of building a dream home in 2022, let us help you with that New Year’s resolution! The year is still very young and the ink on the New Year’s resolutions list is still fresh. What’s on your list? Well, we can’t help much with your desire to lose...
by B Chaney Improvements LL | Dec 20, 2020 | Custom home and renovation, Uncategorized
The Christmas season is here and it’s time for shopping, planning parties and decorating the house. We love this time of year. The chill in the air and the anticipation of Christmas, along with a new year and new beginnings. Even in the time of quarantine and...
by B Chaney Improvements LL | Nov 21, 2020 | Custom home and renovation, Uncategorized
We hope you have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! We at B. Chaney Improvements in Charleston truly hope that on Thursday, you stop and reflect on all your blessings, even as we wrap up one of the toughest years ever. It’s easy to reflect on all the negatives...
by B Chaney Improvements LL | Oct 17, 2020 | Uncategorized, Whole House Renovation
Renovate to Get Your Dream Home in Your Current Location Most people sell and move because their current home no longer meets the needs of their current lifestyle. That may be because their family has expanded or possibly contracted. Nonetheless, the thought of...
by B Chaney Improvements LL | Sep 28, 2020 | Home Builder, Uncategorized
October is upon us and it’s a great time to be outside for work and play. We’re closing out September and entering October, which means fall is here and the work that comes with it. Thankfully, it’s not all work and no fun, because pumpkin patches...
by B Chaney Improvements LL | Aug 29, 2020 | storm damage, Uncategorized
Storm season means anxiety and the possibility of storm damage to your home. It seems that new storms threatening the United States are being reported on every week. Most of us watch the news or check every day until we know we’re in the clear or...