by B Chaney Team KG | Feb 11, 2022 | Custom home and renovation, Uncategorized
February is known as the “Love Month,” and we want you to love your new home, addition or home improvement project in 2022. It all began when the Feast of Saint Valentine was established by Pope Gelasius I in AD 496, celebrated on February 14, in honor of...
by B Chaney Team KG | Jan 4, 2022 | Custom Home Construction, Uncategorized
What are your New Year’s Resolutions for 2022? So, what changes are you planning to make starting on January 1, 2022? Do you plan to lose weight? Go back to school? Get a new job? Floss more? Say goodbye to Covid-19 forever?! This one should be on...
by B Chaney Team KG | Dec 24, 2021 | Home Builder, Uncategorized
Everyone at B. Chaney Improvements wishes you a Merry Christmas! “We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas…” Now that that song is firmly planted in your head, we really do wish you a merry Christmas, a happy holiday season and a great start...
by B Chaney Improvements LL | Nov 21, 2020 | Custom home and renovation, Uncategorized
We hope you have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! We at B. Chaney Improvements in Charleston truly hope that on Thursday, you stop and reflect on all your blessings, even as we wrap up one of the toughest years ever. It’s easy to reflect on all the negatives...
by B Chaney Improvements LL | Oct 17, 2020 | Uncategorized, Whole House Renovation
Renovate to Get Your Dream Home in Your Current Location Most people sell and move because their current home no longer meets the needs of their current lifestyle. That may be because their family has expanded or possibly contracted. Nonetheless, the thought of...