The new year is here and so are the New Year’s Resolutions that will shape 2020.
Each new year brings reflections on the old year passing and dreams of the new one to come. We are so thankful for another year of helping others and seeing our business grow and improve. We met many new friends in 2019 and hope those will become life-long connections. As folks are sitting down now to make their New Year’s Resolutions for 2020, we thought it would be fun to see the wisdom the internet holds for such suggestions. The typical ones of losing weight, eating better, going to church, saving money, exercising more, etc… have been replaced. The ones we found achieve similar results, but in smaller “bites,” you could say. These include building a better budget; eating vegetables regularly; doing one new exercise; etc…. To learn more, read the full article here.

If your resolutions include building a new home or renovating your current one in 2020, please let us help. Our home building experts know how to make the building process painless. We build all styles of homes found in the Lowcountry.
We also do home improvement work and whole-house rehab projects, for those who like their location, but want a completely new design. Replacement windows, additions, decks/patios and the like are specialty projects that make a big difference to a tired dwelling.
To schedule a meeting to talk about your home , contact us here or by calling our Charleston, SC office at 843.388.4334. You can also email our office staff at
While looking forward to a great new year, we also thought to search for good news from 2019. Sometimes the bad news leads and the good news gets forgotten by those reporting. We know that we at B. Chaney Improvements heard plenty of good news in the greater Charleston area, but what about the rest of the world? We were surprised to find headlines like:
Good News Headlines from 2019
Ethiopia Smashed World Record for Tree Planting
Poaching of Rhinos, Elephants Drops Dramatically in Kenya
Cigarette Smoking Among Adults in the US Reaches All-time Low of 13.7%
Type 3 Polio Officially Becomes Second Species of Poliovirus Eliminated in 2019
Report Shows Children’s Lives have Improved in 173 out of 176 Countries Since 1999
According to the World Bank, India Halved its Poverty Rate in the Past 30 years.
To read more good news, click on this link. There are 99 inspiring stories (snippets of stories) that will encourage you as you boldly go into 2020. We hope you will be someone’s inspiring story as we approach the year 2021 a year from now. Until then….