The 2024 Memorial Day weekend starts on May 25th.

The staff of B. Chaney Improvements in Charleston, SC hopes you have a good Memorial Day weekend, taking time to appreciate those who gave all they had for freedom.

B. Chaney Improvements building project in Charleston, SCThis is also halfway point of 2024. With that said, if you still have a building project you want to start this year, reach out to schedule a meeting. Contact B. Chaney Improvements here to schedule a meeting with owner Brad Chaney. You can also contact their office by emailing them at or calling 843.388.4334.

Brad Chaney and his team are licensed builders with decades of experience building custom homes; remodeling and renovating homes; and doing home repair throughout the Charleston, SC area, including Mt. Have a great Memorial Day weekend from B. Chaney Improvements, custom home builder and home improvement specialist in Charleston, SCPleasant, Daniel Island, Isle of Palms, Sullivan’s Island, etc…


Memorial Day Facts

Did You Know: This year’s Memorial Day holiday is Monday, May 27, 2024. The holiday began after the American Civil War in 1868, when the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of Union veterans, established it. It was originally called Decoration Day, because the citizens were encouraged to decorate the graves of those who died in the “war between the states.” By the 20th Century, competing Union and Confederate holiday traditions merged and Memorial Day honored all Americans killed (see below) while in military service.

The Americans Lost in Major Wars and Honored on Memorial Day

  • American Civil War – 620,000 killedMemorial Day 2023 in Charleston, SC. The B. Chaney staff hopes you remember and enjoy the holiday.
  • World War II – 405,399 killed
  • World War I – 116,516
  • Vietnam War – 58,209
  • Korean War – 36,516
  • American Revolutionary War – 25,000
  • War of 1812 – 20,000
  • Mexican-American War – 13,283
  • The War on Terror – 7,078
  • Spanish-American War – 2,446
  • Gulf War – 258

Read more about the Memorial Day holiday by clicking here.


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